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Part of an intergenerational, master-planned, mixed-use development, Victoria at COMM22 provides 70 affordable apartment homes for seniors.

Part of an intergenerational, master-planned, mixed-use development, Victoria at COMM22 provides 70 affordable apartment homes for seniors.


Victoria at COMM22 is located within a four-acre, former San Diego Unified School District maintenance facility site that offers 40 studio, one- and two-bedroom apartments with affordable below-market-rate rents and 30-one-bedroom apartments with HUD subsidized rents. Several units at Victoria are equipped with special features for people with mobility, hearing, and/or visual impairments. Also included in Victoria at COMM22, along 22nd Street is a 4,500 square foot space for a day care facility. Victoria at COMM22 is certified as LEED for Homes – Platinum.


Amenities include a community room, on-site laundry, outdoor courtyard and a library. Meal delivery, exercise programs, and social/community building activities are also available.


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the facade of the building is lit up at night
a woman sitting on a chair in a window
people sitting on benches in front of a tall building

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